About Me


Meu nome é Jacqueline e sou formada em Relações Internacionais e Pós- Graduada em Sociologia Política.
Sou professora de Inglês há dois anos na UCEP - Universidade Corporativa na cidade de Sorocaba - SP.
My name is Jacqueline and I'm graduated in International Affairs and I have graduate studies in Policy Sociology.
I've been teaching English  since 2008 at UCEP - Coorporate University in Sorocaba city.



English is Cool


October 12th - Religious Holiday !!   - The school wil be closed

* Dear Students!

As everybody know I will left UCEP in the end of October. I would like to say thank you to all my students. 

 Dont' worry ... We will keep in touch by e-mail, so any problem please feel free to contact me!









Every friday - 8:00 am - 11:00 am

* for tuesday night ask me.