As Palavras mais Usadas no Inglês


Yes  (ies) - Sim

No - (nou)- Não
Name -  (neime)- Nome

Music - (miusique) - Música
Easy - ( Izy)- fácil
Fast - (Fést)- rápido
Slow - (Eslou) - devagar / lento
Food - (Fu'd) - comida
Money - ( mânei) - dinheiro
Make -(meique) - fazer / construir ....
Take - (teique)- tomar, pegar ...
Stop -(estop)- parar
Sing - (singue) - cantar
Change - ( tchendje) - mudança
Turn on -( turn on)  ligar
Turn off - ( Turn óff) desligar
Hard - (rardi) Difícil
What - ( Uót) o que
Have - (Rave) ter
Computer -(Compurer) -computador
Drink - (drink) - beber
Girl - (guer'el) - mulher
Man - (men)- homem
Child - (Tchaold) -  criança
Work - (work) - trabalho
Write -  (wraite) - escrever
Airplane - (Arplaine)- avião
Time - (Taime)  hora, tempo
Exit -(équisit) -Sair
News -(Nius)  - notícias
New - (Niu) - novo

Clean up - (Clin ap) - Limpar
Best - (béste) - o melhor
Worst -(Uorst) o pior
Friend -(Frend) -  Amigo
Girlfriend - (guer'el) - namorada
Boyfriend - (boyfrend)- namorado
Book - (buque) - livro
Laptop - (Léptop) - notebook
Notebook-(Noutebuque) -caderno
Walk - (Uolque) -andar
Drive - (draive)- dirigir
Think - (sinque) pensar / achar
Wash - (uóche)- lavar
Watch - (uótche)- relógio
Nice - (naice)  legal, agradável
Buy - (bai) - comprar
Alone - (alon) - sozinho
Quit -(quit) - terminar
Room - (rum)- quarto / sala
Speak - (espeque) - falar
Could - (cud)- poderia
Door - (dór) -  porta
Right - (raite)- direito
Left - (léfete) - esquerdo
Bus - (bûs) -ônibus
Car - (car) - carro
Shoe - (chue)- Sapato
Hair - (rer) - Cabelo
Newspaper - (niuspeiper)  Jornal
Old -(old)  velho
Cell phone - (cel fone) celular




English is Cool


October 12th - Religious Holiday !!   - The school wil be closed

* Dear Students!

As everybody know I will left UCEP in the end of October. I would like to say thank you to all my students. 

 Dont' worry ... We will keep in touch by e-mail, so any problem please feel free to contact me!









Every friday - 8:00 am - 11:00 am

* for tuesday night ask me.